Community News
“Oomph” from Access BARS®

Do you ever feel like the clogged up hard drive of your computer? Unable to multitask, losing power, steadily grinding towards a halt? Perhaps you’ve lost your “Oomph”! Maybe you’re fine in the morning, but by evening you’re ready to crash out in front of the TV. How would it feel to reclaim your Oomph? Simply allow redundant thoughts, beliefs, judgements, and points of view, as well as the stuck feelings and attitudes they hold in place, to run out of your brain and into the “waste basket”, just as you would your hard drive. Simply press the delete button and away those files go! Are you needing direction in your life? Need to slow down, focus, smile again? Lose weight, increase money flow, diminish stress, heal? Consider getting your BARS run. It’s a beautiful way to reset that hard drive, and begin living again!

Wendy Omilanow
Access Consciousness BARS®

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