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Pet Health: Dangers in The Garden

So many of us humans take solace in our beautiful gardens. Our mild coastal climate encourages some amazing flora! It’s not a surprise that our furry companions also enjoy spending time outdoors with us. Alas, Mother Nature has spiked some of our most adored flowers with poisons. While this line of defense protects the plant’s survival, it doesn’t bode well for the curious cat that chomps down on a chrysanthemum flower, or the dog that decides your basket of lily bulbs is today’s snack. The list of toxic plants isn’t limited to the outdoors; some common indoor tropical plants are also dangerous to pets. Familiarize yourself with the plants known to be toxic to your companion animals, avoid placing or planting them in harms way around your home and garden. If you suspect your pet has ingested or been exposed to a toxic plant, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Dr. Ken Seaman, Dr. of Veterinary Medicine. Puntledge Veterinarian Clinic

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