Community News
Pharmacists as Prescribers (Part1)

Many times we have found ourselves lost in the big aisle of non-prescription medications. Spending time, trying to match our symptoms with the most suitable medication, trying to eliminate the occurrence of adverse reactions and also getting confused at the thought of weather to approach the BUSY pharmacy staff or not and finally end up buying tried and tested medication. BUT…. maybe your symptoms do not require the same old medication or use of the same medication has worsened your condition. At times like these even your family physicians may not be available for immediate assessment, and you may not have the time or patience to wait in a walk-in-clinic. Here in Winnipeg, Expert Pharmacist can assess, diagnose and treat certain medical conditions. For the better health outcomes of Manitobans, we are putting our knowledge and skills to maximum use. Hence, next time one less worry for you.


Hajra Mirza, Rossmere Pharmacy

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