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Poor Posture & Your Health 

Poor posture has been linked to numerous side effects including the most obvious – muscle/joint pain.  Headaches commonly occur with a chin forward posture because it causes your teeth to clench.  These headaches have the potential to turn into migraines if severe enough. Shoulder pain is common from the shoulders being in a forward position.  This causes the space between the bones in the shoulder to become smaller putting the rotator cuff tendons more at risk for impingement and possibly tearing.  The nerves running through this area can be pinched from tight muscles causing numbness and tingling to go down the arm. However, posture can affect more than just our musculoskeletal system.  Posture can cause reduced lung function, clouded thinking, fatigue and slower digestion. If you are interested in improving your posture and don’t know where to start, book an appointment with a physiotherapist for an assessment today!

Kristi Hunter MPT, BSc,

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