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Skin Problems?

Your skin is the second largest elimination organ. If there are problems with your skin, it is probably that your first largest elimination organ, the colon, is overloaded. If you are suffering from any type of skin problems, the first step is to clear out all your accumulated waste matter. Toxins in the colon are re-absorbed and may be pushed out by the body through the skin resulting in acne or spots on the back. Colon Hydrotherapy takes the pressure off the other eliminatory organs and leads to skin clearing naturally. Deep body cleansing and detoxing should bring about a huge improvement. Colonics have been referred to as “the natural botox” due to the instant uplifting effects which they have on the skin, particularly between and around the eyes. Experience brighter, glowing skin and a dramatic improvement in skin issues such as psoriasis and eczema.

Kelly Wood

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