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Snap, Crackle ‘n’ Popping?

Joint noise or, ‘crepitus’, is usually associated with wear and tear, and eventual osteoarthritis. It is most commonly the first symptom patients mention regarding their knee pain, but it can occur in any joint. This may be joint fluid movement, scar tissue, bones locating their normal groove and it may never become painful. But when it does become painful, it can be a strong indication of further injury and it should be examined by a professional. Laser treatment has demonstrated great results upon joint osteoarthritis, it can penetrate the bone effectively to treat cartilage problems. Running, walking, kneeling, golfing are all activities that require ‘weight-bearing’ with normal and abnormal twists; it is these incorrect biomechanics that can be your crepitus cause. Occasional bracing and stability exercises are required to support joints properly. Practice good mechanics in front of a mirror or with your Physiotherapist.

Chris Bisignana

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