Community News
Spring is in the Air

Spring is here and so are the drastic changes in weather.  Rain, followed by sun, clouds and lots of wind, sometimes all in the same day!

We’ve all got that uncle that predicts weather based on his knee pain, but at UC Life Chiropractic Centre we’re hearing from people that can tell a weather change is coming due to the pressure changes felt inside their sinuses and head.  Headaches and migraines are often the result of these changes and in some folks a debilitating pain can come on and last for days.

The reason?  As environmental barometric pressure changes (increases or decreases), so too does the internal pressure inside your head.  For most of us, we have a buffer zone that allows for this pressure change to occur relatively unnoticed, but for some, there just doesn’t seem to be room inside the head to handle even the smallest bit of change.

In these frustrating situations, we’re often dealing with a physical obstruction to the natural flow of fluids in and out of the head and the openings that allow for these fluids to pass.  The most important area is located at the top of the neck at the junction between the head and the neck.  If structurally misaligned in this area it just makes it harder to keep our bodies in a comfortable zone.

Does this sound like you or someone you know?  Let’s check and see if we can help you see life!

Dr. Matthew Kittleson, UC Life Chiropractic

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