Skin conditions are common and often challenging to improve completely. Often the first thing that comes to people’s mind is to use topical creams to make the skin rash, itch or pimple disappear.
All skin diseases have an underlying internal cause. Some of the internal organs are involved whether the skin condition is eczema, dermatitis, shingles, itching. skin rash, boils, pimple or acne rosacea. It is necessary to determine the underlying cause and address the skin condition with herbal medicine and lifestyle changes. Maintaining a proper diet is important. Many skin conditions are aggravated by alcohol, spicy foods, seafood and anything that can be stimulating or that may cause allergies should be avoided. Cotton or silk is recommended over synthetic fibers for better ventilation.
A long term treatment of herbal medicine is very effective. Over time it will strengthen one’s health to resolve the skin condition.
Dr. Brigitte Tetrault, Courtenay Healing Centre