Community News
Think Outside the Hoop!

The beloved Hula Hoop is making a comeback! Though not the way you may remember it. In the past 10 years this iconic children’s toy has evolved into a full body workout that not only burns 100 calories in 10 minutes, but also improves balance, coordination, flexibility and mobility. The hoop is best described as Playful Fitness; a non-competitive journey of learning and self-improvement. This high-energy creative outlet can be enjoyed at home while watching TV, or at work on your lunch break; making it the perfect instrument to stay motivated with your fitness goals. The awesomeness of the hoop doesn’t stop there! Remarkably, the hoop has a magical way of elevating your mood and boosting self-confidence. It has even been known to help those struggling with anxiety and depression. Best of all hooping doesn’t feel like exercise, it is play. So pick up a hoop; you sure to fall in love!

Karrie Blackburn,

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