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Weight Loss for Your Pet 

As the New Year begins, we all begin to anticipate our yearly resolutions. One goal that always seems to top the list? Weight loss! For most overweight dogs and cats, we can usually blame free-feeding and lack of exercise, though there can be some medical reasons why our pets are struggling with extra pounds. Pets’ lifestyles tend to reflect our own. We come home after work, head to the sofa…sitcoms & snacks. Burger & fries with Fido? Be aware of recommended daily caloric intake by using a measuring cup for food, and some treats can add up to an entire day’s caloric values! Don’t free feed; stick to a breakfast and dinner plan. Commit to daily exercise- 30 minutes (or longer) walking with our dogs, or using interactive toys with our cats. Please feel free to talk with your vet about successful weight loss plans for our furry family members!

Puntledge Veterinary Clinic ,

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