Community News
Experience Deep Healing with EESystem Sessions

At Harmonic Healing Center, Energy Enhancement System (EESystem) sessions offer a calming environment that promotes healing at all levels. During your session, you’ll be surrounded by scalar waves, color therapy, and light photons, helping restore balance to your body and mind. Prepare for your session by staying hydrated, dressing comfortably, and bringing a blanket. Close your eyes to fully relax and focus on your healing intentions. Afterward, drink plenty of water and take a detox bath to enhance your recovery. For chronic conditions, regular sessions are recommended for long-term benefits.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Actions often speak louder than words. Children notice inconsistencies between what we say and what we do. If we preach kindness but don’t practice it, they may struggle to grasp its true value. When our actions align with our words, we reinforce our values and set a strong example. World Smile Day® reminds us that even small acts of kindness can make a big impact. By committing to kindness daily, we improve our well-being, model positive behavior, and help create a more connected world. So, let’s make a conscious effort to spread kindness—through our words and actions—and inspire others to do the same.

Celebrating World Smile Day:

The Power of a Smile and the Ripple Effect of Kindness

Every year, on the first Friday of October, the world celebrates World Smile Day®. The inspiration for this day comes from the iconic smiley face, created in 1963 by Harvey Ball, a commercial artist from Massachusetts. Over time, the smiley face became a global symbol of goodwill and positivity. However, as it gained popularity, Ball grew concerned about its over-commercialization and the loss of its original meaning. To reclaim its purpose, he established World Smile Day®, encouraging people to focus on smiles and kind acts – focus on what unites us: our shared humanity.

The Benefits of Kindness

Kindness is a powerful force that benefits both the giver and the receiver. Studies show that acts of kindness trigger the release of oxytocin, endorphins and serotonin, natural chemicals that improve mood and reduce stress. These hormones foster feelings of warmth and connection, meaning regular acts of kindness can lead to long-lasting improvements in mental health; reducing anxiety and depression while promoting a sense of purpose and belonging.
The ripple effect of kindness extends beyond individual well-being. When we are kind to others, they are more likely to pass on that kindness, creating a positive feedback loop that strengthen our community. In this way, small acts of kindness can contribute to a more compassionate and supportive society.

Teaching Kindness to Our Children

Children learn from both our actions and our words. The kindness we show—whether through simple gestures like offering a smile or more significant efforts like helping a neighbor or a stranger—teaches them that kindness is a powerful way to impact the world. Equally important is how we communicate our values. When we explain why we help others and speak with empathy and compassion, we reinforce the importance of these qualities.
Our actions, and the language we use, shapes our children’s understanding of the world and their own self-worth. As they witness kindness and hear us discuss its significance, they learn to value empathy and compassion. This dual influence helps them develop emotional intelligence, confidence, and a positive outlook on life. In essence, the kindness they see and the values we express through our everyday language guide their self-concept and interactions with the world.

Recognize Hearing Loss Signs

October is National Protect Your Hearing Month, a perfect time to recognize signs of hearing loss. Keep an eye out for these warning signs: frequently asking others to repeat themselves, needing to turn up the TV or radio volume, or experiencing persistent ringing in your ears. Difficulty understanding conversations in noisy environments, missing everyday sounds, or having trouble hearing when your back is turned to someone are also key indicators. Speaking too loudly or finding phone conversations challenging may also signal hearing issues. Early detection is crucial for better outcomes, so prioritize your hearing health this month and schedule a free assessment with your local Beltone clinic.

Access Bars: A New Beginning

At Energy 4 Life, we’re exploring new ways to support mental health. Millions have used Access Consciousness tools to not only improve their mental well-being but to reshape how they handle anxiety, stress, and overwhelm. Many people accept anxiety, depression, and stress as inevitable parts of life, but it doesn’t have to be that way. With Access Bars, we can help you experience a new possibility today. Take the step towards a brighter, more balanced future—get your Access Bars run and see the difference for yourself!

Fighting the Flu

When you have the flu or are not feeling well, the best thing for you to do is make yourself cozy and to rest comfortably at home while you recover. Drink plenty of fluids, get lots of rest, use a humidifier and make sure you have flu season health essentials on hand, including: Acetaminophen for fever, headache and minor aches and pains. Decongestants to relieve congestion and clear nasal passages. Sprays or lozenges to soothe a sore throat. Speak with your Pharmasave pharmacist about flu shots, prevention, appropriate symptom relief and other ways to stay healthy this flu season.

Product Spotlight: ProLuxe™ Hair Care System

Wish every day could be a great hair day? Neora’s ProLuxe™ Hair Care System is your answer to youthful shine, texture, and manageability. This professional-grade, four-step system works synergistically to cleanse, rebalance, and moisturize, creating the ideal scalp environment for softer, smoother, and more radiant hair. Featuring the exclusive Intuitress complex, it repairs damage, strengthens strands, and helps in restoring natural colour pigmentation. With safe, non-toxic ingredients like amino acids and coconut oil, your hair gets what it needs without being weighed down. Color-safe and gentle, the ProLuxe™ Hair Care System is the secret to beautiful, lasting results.

Festival of Trees

Join us on Saturday, October 21st, for the “Sugar & Spice & Notoriously Nice” Festival of Trees! Get ready to return to the Roaring 20s and enter Saskatchewan’s largest speakeasy for an unforgettable, immersive prohibition-era experience. Indulge in a decadent Italian buffet that promises to delight your taste buds. The excitement continues with an interactive live and silent auction then hit the dance floor and showcase your notorious moves to the electrifying sounds of Mascara. Every dollar raised stays in Moose Jaw, supporting a new surgical service for our community: bronchoscopy. Tickets on sale at

Transform Your Thoughts for Better Health

Masaru Emoto’s groundbreaking research suggests that human consciousness can affect the molecular structure of water. Since our bodies are 70% water and our brains are 80% water, the thoughts we have directly influence our well-being. Negative thoughts like “I’m not good enough” distort water molecules, while positive thoughts like “I am loved” create harmonious, symmetrical structures. Past negative beliefs often keep us stuck in harmful thought patterns. A Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.) treatment helps to update those outdated programs, allowing you to shift toward more positive thinking and improved health.

Product Spotlight: ProLuxe™ Hair Care System

Wish every day could be a great hair day? Neora’s ProLuxe™ Hair Care System is your answer to youthful shine, texture, and manageability. This professional-grade, four-step system works synergistically to cleanse, rebalance, and moisturize, creating the ideal scalp environment for softer, smoother, and more radiant hair. Featuring the exclusive Intuitress complex, it repairs damage, strengthens strands, and helps in restoring natural colour pigmentation. With safe, non-toxic ingredients like amino acids and coconut oil, your hair gets what it needs without being weighed down. Color-safe and gentle, the ProLuxe™ Hair Care System is the secret to beautiful, lasting results.