We always think of self-care must incur huge costs or involve activity beyond the reach of most people, but we truly can incorporate self-care into our daily lives for free, or very, very cheap. Once self-care becomes habit, it becomes ingrained as one of those things that we simply expect of ourselves. It DOES NOT change overnight, or even in a month. In day-to-day life, consider consistent time by yourself to do something you enjoy: reading, watching a favourite show, cooking a special treat. These short periods of time add up! A bit of time enjoying something just for yourself will have a positive impact over time. Treat yourself occasionally. It can be as simple as a cup of coffee once a week, a walk in a beautiful park or a drive out of your neighbourhood. Disconnect your cable, limit time on social media. Sit in your yard or in a park and visit with your friends. Begin a journal. Simplify your meals and drink more water. The idea is to not overwhelm yourself with excessive movement or big changes, just get your body moving even a little bit, one small change at a time. Something is better than nothing!
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