Community News
Essential Tips for Disability Tax Claims

Navigating the intricacies of disability tax credits can be daunting, but understanding the process is crucial for accessing financial support. Here’s a vital tip: Keep detailed records of medical expenses and consultations related to the disability. This documentation is invaluable when applying for the credit, ensuring you receive the maximum entitled benefits. Additionally, seek assistance from a qualified specialist well-versed in disability tax credits. Their expertise can streamline the application process and help you optimize your claim. By staying organized and seeking expert guidance, you can alleviate financial burdens and focus on prioritizing your health and well-being.

Local Health Spotlight

Reliable Home Care is dedicated to serving with compassion, dignity and respect. We strive to provide in-home care services that are custom-tailored to meet diverse needs of various age groups; from assisting individuals with medical ailments to supporting vibrant centenarians. Trusted by hospital OT’s and PT’s for post-hospital care, and relied upon by assisted living and personal care homes for resident support, we prioritize inclusivity and personalized care. Reliable Home Care’s commitment to diversity is reflected in a contemporary approach, ensuring everyone feels valued and supported.

Laughter is the Best Medicine

“Why do we eat healthy?” asked Susy. “For superpowers,” Mom replied. “Carrots help you see through walls!” Now she’s hooked, convinced that each bite will help her become a real-life superhero!

Allergy Season Is Back

Many people suffering from seasonal hypersensitivities, such as head pressure, itchy eyes, and a runny or stuffy nose this allergy season will find only temporary relief, or no relief at all, from over-the-counter remedies. Alternative approaches, such as nutritional supplementation and Biofeedback focus on more than just symptomatic relief. They enable the body’s ability to remove existing allergens embedded in the sinus tissues, thereby minimizing the histamine and inflammatory reactions. This stops the over-production of mucus that the body makes to try and push the allergens out. Take a different approach this allergy season – treat the cause, not just the symptoms.

Walk for Alzheimer’s

Calling all walkers! Join us for the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s this May and June across the province. It’s more than just a Walk – it’s a chance to connect, support each other and have some fun along the way.
Winnipeg – Saturday, May 25, Assiniboine Park
Steinbach – Wednesday, May 29, AD Penner Park
Brandon – Thursday, June 6, Riverbank Discovery Centre
Selkirk – Thursday, June 13, Gordon Howard Centre
Let’s inspire each other and show our support for families affected by dementia. Together, we can make a difference! Register and donate today at

Tick and Heartworm Season is Here

There are several kinds of ticks crawling around Manitoba, including the Deer Tick which is responsible for transmitting Lyme Disease. Symptoms of Lyme Disease include fever, sore joints, lethargy, and a loss of appetite. Ticks tend to latch on in areas with less fur such as ears, eyes, groin, underbelly and paw pads. Make sure you are performing thorough full body checks for ticks on a regular basis. Heartworm is transmitted by infected mosquitos. Symptoms may include mild persistent cough, reluctance to exercise, fatigue, and weight loss. Consult your veterinarian for the best preventative measures and medications for your pets.

Volunteer Opportunities

We are always looking for our membership to help out with activities to make our programs a success. We have people act as escorts on our bus trips or help out setting up or serving our monthly lunches. Pickleball nets do not set themselves up. To find out how you can help, call 204-416-1067 or email us at Remember we are a club of people that look out for each other, and volunteering is an important way to give back!
Annual memberships are just $30. For more information, call 204-416-1067 or email
Mail: 565 Guilbault Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R2J 0R2
Phone: (204) 416-1067

Annual General Meeting

Wednesday, May 15, 11:00 AM – 11:30 AM @ 565 Guilbault St.
Come and hear about the overall club year in review as well as overview of our financial situation. We will also run our annual election of officers and directors. We do require a quorum of 20% of membership, so attendance is essential.

Spring Nutrition for Seniors

Spring brings with it a crop of nutrient-rich superfoods that are especially beneficial for older adults. As you age, it’s vital to eat healthy foods to maintain weight, manage and prevent diabetes and boost brain health. Spring is a great time to swap out processed foods that lack nutritional value for fresh fruits and vegetables. Some spring super-foods that are perfect for seniors to enjoy include artichokes, leaks, asparagus, green peas, watercress, strawberries and spinach. These springtime favourites are packed with vitamins, minerals, fibre, and antioxidants needed to live a healthy lifestyle.