Being Gambling Literate goes beyond setting an entertainment budget to play games of chance such as lotteries, bingo, slots, cards or online poker. Gambling literacy, in the big picture, includes the ability to see its impact on the health and wellbeing of individuals, families, communities and societies. On a personal level, gambling literacy invites us to develop personal and social skills to manage our behaviour and choices related to gambling. Gambling literacy involves more than winning or losing on a game of chance: It speaks to our complex relationships with money, skill and chance. Gambling is not a problem; it is our relationship to it that might be.
Air is Best When It’s Truly Free
We all have odors we could do without but masking pet odors with fake scents is not how nature intended us to breathe. Household air is already being inundated with unhealthy chemicals off-gassing from glues and building materials in your home. Fortunately there are healthier alternatives to freshen air. The use of naturally derived charcoals is one solution that will absorb pre-existing chemicals and eliminate odors to leave your space scent-free. The most absorbent charcoals come from sustainable bamboo or coconut shells. After use, they can be mixed into your garden soil to benefit your plant life. Charcoal is the natural choice to free your air of odors.
Meet Your Practitioner – Ahmed Omar, R.D.
Ahmed is one of a few denturist in the central Vancouver Island region who brings a full denture service to the comfort of his clients’ homes. Ahmed studied Oral and Dental Medicine at George Brown College and after graduating in 2013, he opened his clinic on Legion street in Chemainus. Tooth loss can cause a host of physical and emotional issues. If you are suffering with missing teeth, Ahmed will take the time to evaluate your condition and recommend the ideal solution for you. Whether you need partial dentures or full dentures, Ahmed Omar will present you with options and help you make the best decision for your mouth.
What is Holistic Nutrition?
Holistic Nutrition is an integrated look at health that incorporates the whole person – body, mind and spirit. It explores how diet, supplements, lifestyle choices, the health of our minds and spirituality all contribute to, or prevent, many diseases and poor health conditions. Holistic nutrition strives to find a balance amongst them, using evidence-based science and taking into consideration the health of the individual, society and the health of the planet. Natural nutrients have properties that are best described by these words: “live, natural, good quality”. These simple words can serve as a guide to everyone wishing to improve their health.
Bottled Water Myth
Did you know that more than half of all bottled water comes from a tap? It costs up to $5.99 per litre compared to less than a penny for four litres of tap water. People buy bottled water believing that it is safer than tap water. This is mostly untrue. The best water you can drink is ionized water from a water ionizer. It is filtered by 16 stages of filtration to remove virtually all of the contaminants from the water. The water is then sent to a water electrolysis chamber where it is ionized, meaning the antioxidants are restored to the water. This recreates the natural alkaline water chemical structure and provides your body with alkalinity and detoxification.
Are you wearing the wrong size bra?
Most women spend 16 hours per day in their bra. It is important to your long term health that it fits you properly, both in the band and the cup size. A bra that is too tight may cause tension on your shoulders, neck and back which can lead to headaches. A cup too small may dig into the tissue causing damage. Wearing a bra that is too loose does little good if it floats on your breasts allowing too much motion which can lead to pain and potential long terms damage to the breast tissue. A lingerie specialist can get you sized properly. It’s free and worth the trouble. You need to feel comfortable and look good in your bra.
Burn Fat Not Muscle: The Ketonic Diet
The body has three sources of energy from which it draws to meet its metabolic needs: carbohydrates, muscle and fat. Chronologically the body will first draw on its carbohydrate reserve before turning to muscle and fat. On a ketogenic diet, your entire body switches its fuel supply to run almost entirely on fat. Insulin levels become low and fat burning increases. This is great for weight loss. The fastest way into Ketosis is by fasting but it is not possible to fast forever. A low-carb, or “keto” diet, can be eaten indefinitely as you are accessing your stored fat for fuel. Ketosis has the benefits of fasting – including weight loss – without having to starve yourself!
Community Profile: Cowichan Valley Lifeline
The Comox Valley Lifeline Society, a non-profit organization, has been providing an easy-to-use personal emergency response system to the Cowichan Valley since 1988. The Society was established because the membership believed that people deserved the dignity to live on their own and have access to immediate help in an emergency situation. If you experience a fall or other emergency in your home, every second counts. Delays can jeopardize your recovery and your independence. Lifeline quickly connects you to a trained Response Associate, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, at the push of a button. You are never alone and help is always there when you need it.
Wellness – One Step at a time!
Wellness is an active, lifelong process of making decisions to help you live a more balanced and fulfilled life. Healthier, happier people tend to live longer and have higher energy levels. A sense of wellness helps improve mood and can improve depression. A simple thing that can easily be incorporated into our day that will improve wellness is walking! It doesn’t matter if you can only make it halfway down the street. Make a commitment to walk every day and before you know it, you will have made it right around the block. Invest in proper walking shoes and socks for added support and comfort.
The Power of Touch
Touch may well be one of the most unappreciated of the five senses.
Seniors in particular often miss the simple acts of touch and the many benefits that go along with them. There is the physical benefit but just as important, are the mental and emotional ones. Touch enhances the quality of your life. Research shows that touch triggers the hypothalamus which produces oxytocin. This has a number of different physiological effects including, reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, pain management, improving sleep and promoting relaxation. The human touch can especially benefit those with Alzheimer’s. It can benefit the caregiver as well.
Welcome to Wellnessnews
We are proud to launch the Cowichan Valley edition of the Wellnessnews; our third edition on Central Vancouver Island! To us, Healthy Living means making positive choices and taking ownership and action to improve and enrich our lives in all key areas; physical, mental and spiritual. In order to achieve Healthy Living, we need information about positive health practices and a guide to the resources available to us. Wellnessnews Choices for Healthy Living® strives to be the resource that showcases local health practitioners and businesses that can help the people in our communities achieve their goal of health and wellness.
Teresa Ostman and Isabella Ostman
Publishers Wellnessnews Central Vancouver Island