Community News
Yoga is for Every Shape and Age

“I’m not flexible enough.” “I need more of a workout.” “Yoga is not for my body shape.” When it comes to reasons for not trying yoga, yoga studio owner Susan Pederson has heard them all. “The thing I hear most often is that people think they are the wrong body type for yoga.  This is based on pictures they’ve seen of young, skinny yogis doing backbends and standing on their heads. It’s intimidating.” The fact is, all body shapes at any age can benefit from yoga, whether it’s a chair yoga class for people who can’t get up and down from the floor; a class that focuses on breathing and stress relief, or a gentle class designed for beginners. Yoga studios will help people discover a yoga practice that feels right for them. “It’s just about showing up and trying your best. It’s that simple.”

Susan Pederson, Owner of Suga Yoga

Positive Travel Experience

Studies show that positive, well-managed vacations can make you happier, less stressed and that you will return to work re-energized with more meaning in your life. Using a travel agent is a great way to ensure a stress-free vacation. A travel agent will ensure that you have good flight connections, proper documentation, accommodations and arrive home in a timely fashion; relaxed and happy. “A local couple were on their dream trip cruising around South America.  On December 23rd, they left the ship and caught their flight to Nanaimo as planned. Their trip would have hit a serious roadblock had they not booked with a travel agent. Unbeknownst to them, their flight back from Chile had been cancelled two days earlier. Their travel agent was notified and she had them rebooked on another plane before their cruise ship docked. Had the couple not used a travel agent, they would not have made it home for Christmas that year.”

Lynn Alexander, CTW Oceanside Travel

Plants in your Home

Bringing plants into your home is a simple, beautiful and inexpensive way to transform your house into a healthy home base. Research suggests that the outdoors has a calming effect on the human body and brain, so introducing even just one small Peace Lily into your home can help you to breathe better, sleep better and live better.

Rita Callan, Realtor, Remax First Realty, Parksville/Qualicum

Meditation Made Easy

In our busy chaotic world, life seems to have an ever increasing hectic pace. You may be stressed from increased demands on your time and energy. This can leave you feeling frustrated, impatient and unhappy. Left unaddressed, over time it can wreck havoc with your health, your life and your joy. Meditation is a wonderful solution! It is often ignored, even ridiculed because many don’t understand it. Meditation is something that can be done anywhere, anytime. The key is learning a few basics and then building on them. Meditation can, in a matter of moments, support your transformation from hurried and disturbed to calm and understanding. There are many different styles and forms of Meditation. Explore what works for you to achieve inner peace and stillness. Want to experience more calm and a sense of inner control? You can start now by being aware of your breath’s movement.

Tammy Phye, R.A., EOT

Orthotics & Summer Footwear

More and more people rely on custom foot orthotics to treat biomechanical issues related to the feet, whether it be plantar fasciitis, metatarsalgia, arthritic knees or low back pain, just to name a few. Now that summer has finally arrived, the question most orthotic wearers ask is what to do when it’s sandal weather. When orthotics are needed to correct altered foot mechanics it is important to wear them during all weight bearing activities.Fortunately many shoe manufacturers recognize the increasing need for sandals that accommodate custom orthotics. These sandals have removable foot beds that can be taken out to make room for your orthotics. If you recently purchased sandals but your orthotics don’t fit into them properly, very often a simple low-cost adjustment will solve the problem. Sandals don’t provide the same support as a closed-in shoe but can allow pleasant relief from the heat even for orthotic wearers.

Bryan Mitchell, B.D.

Be Proactive with Your Health and Safety 

Are you, like so many of us, part of what is being called the “silver tsunami”? This demographic is causing concern about its effect on health care costs and our ability to provide health care. These days with long waiting times, we need to be proactive about our own health and safety. It is very important to have options in place so that in an emergency you can summon help. A daily phone call with a neighbour or family member is a good way to ensure that someone knows you are safe. There  are also community groups and non-profit organizations that can help us check in on one another. We all need a buddy, a “go to” person to be there when you need help, and we all need help from time to time.

Joan Ryan, Nanaimo Lifeline

Ozone Relieves Respiratory Infections 

Inhalation ozonide therapy is good for any acute upper respiratory infection, such as sinus infections, bronchitis, flu, colds, and viral pneumonias. Both asthmatics and patients with chronic lung disease can use it. Ozone gas is bubbled through olive oil to the inhaler which turns it into ozonides molecules and is completely safe to inhale. The ozonides can last for weeks in the human body and have an incredible regenerative effect on our cells and organs. For instance, they stimulate the formation of the cytokine molecules that our immune systems use to control and eliminate infections. They also increase the delivery of oxygen to the cells, which is critical for lung conditions. Then they stimulate the cells to generate more energy and that is the key to the vitality we all want to feel, in each breath.

Dr. Sterling Desmond, Dr. TCM, R.Ac.

Wellnessnews Meetup Group

The Wellnessnews Meetup group is for people interested in Health and Wellness. It is free to join. We offer workshops on a variety of topics including alternative medicine, nutrition, healing, healthy weight-loss and many other wellness topics. Admission is free or by donation. Most workshops are 60 – 90 minutes in length. Over time, we hope to offer workshops between Cowichan Valley and Comox Valley. We also inform our members about health and wellness events, trade shows and activities happening in Central Vancouver Island. Here at the Wellnessnews, we love sharing the gift of health and wellness knowledge with our communities. Our next workshop is Bingo with a Twist. There are prizes to be won and refreshments to enjoy while we play Bingo.

Teresa Ostman, Publisher, Wellnessnews Central Island

Wellnessnews Workshops

We offer workshops on a variety of topics including alternative medicine, nutrition, healing, healthy weight-loss and more. Admission is free and most workshops are 60 – 90 minutes in length. Sign up today to view upcoming workshops and receive information on new events as they are posted.

Next workshop: May 17, “Journey to Wholeness: Body, Mind and Spirit.”

Teresa Ostman

Dementia Signs and Symptoms

Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life. The most common type of dementia is Alzheimer’s, which accounts for 60-80 percent of cases. The greatest known risk factor is increasing age, and the majority of people with Alzheimer’s are 65 and older.  Symptoms to watch for with your loved ones include; memory loss, communication and language difficulties, inability to focus and pay attention, poor reasoning and judgment and changes in visual perception. A successful way to help is to focus on the Eden Philosophy.  The philosophy is to eliminate loneliness, helplessness and boredom with a focus on wellness rather than illness. When an individual’s ability to contribute is recognized, the years to come can be a time of meaningful active and satisfying personal growth.

Lianne Ketcheson, Nanaimo Memory and Complex Care

Yoga for Every Body

Has your health provider recommended that you try yoga? Yoga is for every body, at any age. Here’s why: Increased flexibility: You don’t have to be a super “bendy” person to benefit from yoga. In fact, lack of flexibility is what initially leads many people to yoga. Practicing yoga poses correctly and regularly will help to stretch muscles and increase the range of motion in your joints. Better posture: Using abdominal muscles to maintain poses will help strengthen your core, making it easier to stand taller, and stronger. Improved breathing: The deep, mindful breathing of yoga can help you increase lung capacity and endurance, and can be very helpful for anyone looking to improve their athletic performance. Stress Relief: Yoga can give you a sense of calm, right from your very first class. Over time you will learn to quiet the mind and better handle stress and anxiety.

Susan Pederson, Owner of Suga Yoga